- In the aftermath of the recent violence at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University and the University of Alabama, colleges and universities across the country are realizing that they must provide Workplace Violence Prevention Training to their faculty and staff to help prevent the recent rash of campus violence that has affected college campuses nationwide.
- HR Learning Center can help.
- We provide College Campus Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminars that help employees understand and better prepare for college campus workplace violence.
- We instruct managers on the warning signs to be aware of and what to do should they witness any of these warning signs on campus.
- We provide proactive advice so that college campus employers can better prepare for and work to prevent workplace violence on their college campuses.

College Campuses are at Risk
- College campuses are vulnerable to workplace violence
- Attend our training seminars to learn how to best protect your college campus from workplace violence
- Our college campus workplace violence prevention seminars will sensitize your staff to the warning signs they should watch out for on campus
- HR Learning Center’s college campus workplace violence prevention seminars will provide methods you can use to help make your campus safer
- Our seminars will also identify the critical steps you can take to help avoid future liability for workplace violence on your campus
- Don’t select just any workplace violence training for your college campus. Choose HR Learning Center, the experts on college campus workplace violence prevention training.

Fully Compliant with New York Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention Law and Regulations
- In addition, colleges that are part of the CUNY and SUNY system in New York, and all New York public employers, are now required by New York State Law to provide Workplace Violence Prevention Training to their managers and employees.
- As a municipality and public employer, you are obligated to comply with the New York State Workplace Prevention Act passed by the New York State legislature on June 7, 2006.
- This law and the Department of Labor regulations require public employers to train their employees and managers to help prevent and minimize workplace violence.
- Our College Campus Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminars are in full compliance with this law.
- Your employees will enjoy attending our College Campus Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminars and you will guarantee that you have fully complied with all the relevant laws.
- Ensure that you are in compliance by scheduling a College Campus Workplace Violence Prevention Seminar today.
Separate College Campus Workplace Violence Training Seminars for Managers and Employees
- Our College Campus Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminars include all the requisite elements to assist employers in successfully preventing lawsuits from arising and defending themselves should such a lawsuit arise as a result of workplace violence on your campus.
- We provide separate Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminars for Managers and Employees
- Managers learn about their heightened responsibilities with regard to workplace violence prevention on campus
- Employees learn to understand what college campus workplace violence is and what to do if the employee believes they have been a victim of violence in the workplace
- Employers can retain us to provide just the manager college campus workplace violence training workshop or can request one for their managers and one for their non-management employees.
HR Learning Center's Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminars include the following:
- Review and revision of college's workplace violence policy and/or drafting a workplace violence policy if the college does not already have one
- On-Site training by a security expert police officer and skilled experienced employment attorney
- Power point presentation
- Short video on sexual harassment
- Hand Outs
- Game Show Style Quiz Training Game
- Certificate of Attendance Forms
- Training Attendance Forms
- Question and Answer Session
- Follow-Up Session one week after the Workplace Violence Prevention Training Seminar