We Provide Hr Advice And Counsel To Assist With All Of Your Hard-to-answer Hr Issues Such As:
- Are we covered by the FMLA?
- How do we engage in the interactive process under the ADA?
- Can we terminate that employee?
- How do we draft our employee handbook?
- How do we avoid legal pitfalls when hiring employees?
- What type of training do we need to provide to avoid employment discrimination liability?
- We just found out our employee is pregnant. What do we do?
- How do we document poor performance properly?
We Provide The Answers To These Questions And Many More. Why Choose Us?
- We are less expensive then calling your employment counsel for every question
- We offer affordable hourly pricing and only bill you for the time that we spend on your particular issue
- As experienced employment law attorneys, we are experts in our field
- We know how to explain your legal requirements to ensure compliance in ways that are easy to understand and apply
- We have over twenty-five years of experience with HR and employment law
How Does It Work?
- After you have signed our Consulting Agreement, you can call or email us at any time with any HR employment law issue and we will provide our HR Consulting advice and counsel on how to handle the issue and avoid legal liability under the employment discrimination laws.
- You will be billed monthly for only the actual time we have spent that month on your issues
- If you have not used our services in a given month, you will owe nothing for that month
How Do I Sign-up For This?
- Call us at 914-417-1715 or send us an e-mail at info@hrlearningcenter.com and tell us that you would like to sign-up for our hourly HR Advice and Counsel Consulting Services.
- We will forward the Consulting Agreement to you
- You can start using our services as soon as we receive the signed Consulting Agreement
- We are always available and return calls and e-mail promptly the same day
- Sing-up today so we can be your HR Partner in the Workplace for all your Employment Law Challenges