LGBTQ Employees: Which Bathroom and Other Legal Issues

LGBTQ Employees: Which Bathroom and Other Legal Issues
January 28, 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
$500 per attendee per computer terminal
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HR Learning Center LLC is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. Our webinars are valid for PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


One area that is less sure than ever is an employer’s obligations with regard to LGBTQ discrimination. So many issues that an employer has to be aware of including the “bathroom” issue. Also, what does the law require? Although federal law and Title VII does not prohibit discrimination or harassment based upon sexual orientation or gender identity, many state laws do include these. In addition, in some recent federal court cases, the coursts have held that sexual orientation discrimination is protected under Title VII. The Supreme Court has agreed heard oral argument on three cases in which the court will decide whether Title VII prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity.  Attend this webinar to make sure you are kept up-to-date on this and new cases dealing with this important issue and that you best understand your legal requirements to avoid discrimination and prevent harassment to your LGBTQ employees.

Some of the informative tips you will receive include:

  • Understanding whether sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination is prohibited under federal or state and local laws
  • In-depth analysis of the three cases pending before the Supreme Court that will decide this issue 
  • Understanding your legal requirements to protect your LGBTQ employees
  • Legal pitfalls with LGBTQ employees to be aware of
  • Bathrooms? Which one?
  • Pronouns in the Workplace: What you need to Know
  • Update on legal cases to be aware of
  • Laws on the horizon that are not favorable to LGBTQ employees
  • And more….


  • In-House Counsel
  • Line Managers
  • HR Professionals
  • Attorneys General
  • Managers
  • Business Owners